Noise annoys

By IckyAsmr - 24/12/2022 02:00 - United Kingdom - London

Today, after much delay, work was finally completed on my parents' new ensuite bathroom. It shares a wall with my bedroom. I was relieved, until I realised the endless crashing and drilling sounds have now been replaced with the sounds of my parents' bladder and bowel movements. FML
I agree, your life sucks 906
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did they make the wall between their toilet and your bedroom so wafer-thin? There are those who would say it's to get you to move out. Hmmm.


Why did they make the wall between their toilet and your bedroom so wafer-thin? There are those who would say it's to get you to move out. Hmmm.

tiptoppc 19

And this is just one of the lesser of many reasons that most of us move out to our own place when we can… Unfortunately unless you double up on the sheetrock thickness and add insulation in the walls (not typically done on inside walls) then those sounds have a way of coming through the walls… When you live with someone, the usual thing is to pretend you don’t hear bathroom noises and they pretend they don’t hear yours.