Not coming out

By HidenSeek - 08/05/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, my mom and I were watching this movie in which some girls start making out. My mother called them "sinners" claiming they'll "burn in hell twice". Then she said, "God doesn't like gays." I'm a lesbian. I picked out this movie as a way of coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 109 030
You deserved it 17 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry Homophobes, even homophobes that you're related to, are a pain in the ass Don't pay any attention to what your Mom says (however hard that may be) and good luck coming to your other friends/family/etc.

You should've said "I bet God doesn't like bigots either"


I'm sorry Homophobes, even homophobes that you're related to, are a pain in the ass Don't pay any attention to what your Mom says (however hard that may be) and good luck coming to your other friends/family/etc.

fuckthatnoise 0

I know how you feel. I have thought about leaving a book out or something like that.

junjouromantica 0

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i'm so sorry, bb. i really hope your mother is more understanding when you come out. :(

i'm so sorry. that sucks. don't bring a girlfriend to your house. go to their house.

You should've said "I bet God doesn't like bigots either"

Sorry to hear that. Sounds like your mother is a bit stuck in her ways. Though you could always turn it around and say "Your overly religious way of bringing me up turned me into a lesbian. Well done." See how she likes the tables being turned on her. ;-)

You probably should have figured out a better way to do it... coming out of the closet is hard, but do you really need to put searing images of two lesbians making out into her brain when she clearly hates gays? You probably should have asked advice on that one from a third party :( **** BOTH of your lives.