Not So Sweet Sixteen

By sadstorylifee - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to admit to my parents that the reason I don't want a sixteenth birthday party isn't because I'm being spoiled and I expected my parents to take me on a lavish vacation, but because I don't have any friends to invite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 929
You deserved it 4 810

Top comments

Chris5811 0

that's the same situation I'm in but I have two best friends. other than that, no friends come over. bc I don't have any...

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Try inviting the local Catholic Priest. He'll be your friend. Or your little brother's.


aw have a family party then, they will always be there for you. I know some times it's tough, but you have to try and make friends. not a lot, just a fee good ones. I only have 3 good friends and that's about it. the rest are just people I see in places, I don't even like them

Hey it happens to the best of us! Welll it happens to me anyway...

soo what you're saying is no male strippers...* puts shirts back on*

iSitt 0

Isn't there a rule that says don't be a dick? If not, there should be. There's a not so fine line between being critical and being a dick. Guess which side you planted yourself firmly on?

it's ok. who needs friends when you have parents... loser.

Whatever helps you sleep at night

tex_mex13 0

you totally deserve it for being spoiled

Then you'll be begging the rest of your life, either with your money or your mouth.

DarDarAttack 0

Have a family party? I'm sorry for you, but tell me--- how can you have not ONE friend ? ):

its wierd, I have the same problem. no friends, but I have a girlfriend...

maybe since shes so spoiled she might be a snob so no one likes her?

I'm the same as Radix, except with a boyfriend and entirely by choice. I have to like someone a damn lot to bother spending time with them ever. Though really OP, friends aren't that hard to come by. Especially if you're having a party. Just invite some people from school.

DarDarAttack 0

That makes sense. I'm not exceptionally fond of people either. Always talking crap behind your back and starting drama. Just a waste if time if you ask me.

Chris5811 0

that's the same situation I'm in but I have two best friends. other than that, no friends come over. bc I don't have any...

I rather have 1 or 2 good pals than several buddies.

you mean two good friends, right? You can only have one best friend, thus the word "best"

i disagree,"one best friend"? haha is this rule carved in stone somewhere?

I'll come to your party all you have to do is by me a car and a new laptop.

If you are indeed that repulsive, start bringing in snacks for your classmates. Although they will be superficial relationships, one can't help but be pleasant to the girl who distributes delicious treats.

Sounds like you are probably a spoiled brat. Acting like that is a way to ensure that you can't make friends.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Try inviting the local Catholic Priest. He'll be your friend. Or your little brother's.

ps. kenshin and cowboy bebop are my favorite animes ;)

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Never heard of Kenshin :P Is Cowboy Bebop any good? It's on the TV on the weekends and I wonder if I should watch it.

you might know kenshin as samurai x. cowboy bebop is totally worth the watch in my opinion.