Not you

By Anonymous - 15/01/2012 06:24 - United States

Today, this girl I liked made her Facebook status "Nobody texts me anymore, message me numbers?" I commented that I texted her. She deleted it and changed it to "Nobody that I care about texts me anymore, message me numbers?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 095
You deserved it 3 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BlindyMcGee 2
jojimugo 20

Just write under the comment " nobody texts you because you are a bitch"


BlindyMcGee 2

She sounds like a real nice catch. Needy. Self involved.

That b&@*# dw OP u'll find someone better, she jus wants attention cause no one cares about her anymore

Michael_92 20

Guess I'll go put my torture devices away :(

She just wants attention from what she considers "cool" people. Maybe from some shallow jerks. Start liking girls who'll appreciate you!

She's a loser. No one puts that as their status!! OP, don't condemn yourself by liking someone like that. I'm pretty sure you can do much better!

I wouldn't worry too much about taking revenge; all of her friends aren't texting her, probably because they're fed up with her being a complete bitch. So, she's only punishing herself. Heartless people never prosper.

38- You never know what people might put up as their status now a days. Facebook is a weird and crazy world.

61- true. But it's the people in the place that make it crazy. I mean, who would feel normal about advertising their friendlessness for all to see?

Dubs I'll drive, why not drift in a evo?

Haha best comment i read in awhile its funny because its simple love it

you shouldn't waste your time on her anyway

As soon as I read this I said what #2 typed.. What a nasty piece of work.

WellApparently 2

#2 & #29 agreed, nothing else to say but "what a bitch"

What crawled up her ass and died? Forget her, you deserve better OP!

Jakesterk96 8
noobgang7 5

This is exactly why nobody texts her anymore. She's a worthless bitch

I smiled when I re-read the FML and noticed the past tense used in the word "liked". At least he learnt to move on from this idiot.

I smiled when I re-read the FML and noticed the past tense used in the word "liked". At least he learnt to move on from this idiot.

I deffinatly said that when I read this as well.

*definitely Why do so many people find this word so difficult to spell? You're not using less words by spelling it wrong (ex: u, ur, etc.).

kittyx33 0

#136 I think they honestly just don't know how spell the word. Not that they're trying to make it shorter

Nice use of the word "liked". Good job. :)

indielove 13

She sounds like an attention seeking bitch.

Just delete the comment, OP to avoid further humiliation.

Hmmm seems reasonable... Kids these days. Just have no idea...

zingline89 18

Kids these days? Says the guy whose profile says "Faggots, quit checkin out my account!"

lilogic 0
jojimugo 20

Just write under the comment " nobody texts you because you are a bitch"

IrishSoulja 4

Don't bother with her if she's being that much of a bitch