Overthinking it

By omgreally91 - 12/10/2011 23:39 - United States

Today, I spent an hour photoshopping my face onto super skinny models as inspiration for a diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 576
You deserved it 30 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that's what really motivates you, then I see nothing wrong.

Wow.. Please get some help. Btw, super skinny models are frowned upon these days. Just get healthy. Not skinny.


DonZilla_RAWR 6

Wait, that came out sounding a bit shallow. Gaaahh! What I meant was... Keep on doing what you're doing! ^_^

Instead, photoshop your face onto a super obease lady and say to yourself "If I continue living this way I will be like this" and keep it in the kitchen.

mintstashinurtea 5

I'm pretty sure that getting up and actually going on said diet would be a much better use of your time

Those hours could've been spent walking...

go_Banannas0814 0

Two things: you could have been exercising instead of wasting your time. Secondly, those models have been tweaked and air brushed and photoshopped into perfection. No one is perfect and you are just setting yourself up for failure. Get healthy! Don't fall prey to society's misconstrued notion of what a woman should look like (pore-less, wrinkle-less, brainless, and anorexic but somehow with huge ****). Good luck.

that's not bad hun what inspires you inspires u. some ppl buy dresses in the size they want to help them have a goal. one thing that helps is eating broccoli every time u eat. or putting a small amount of spinch in things not enough to taste is but enough so its in there it helps your body digest they way it should and promotes weight loss. my nutritionist suggested it I lost 50 doing that and walking

sbarua219 17

Aw OP be happy for who you are! I applaud you for trying to live healthier at least