Party blues

By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I made out with a guy that I had just met at a party. It was my first kiss. I don't know what's worse, the fact that my first kiss is at the age of 23, or the fact that I saw him making out with a different girl later on in the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 256
You deserved it 16 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coffee_addict7 0

If that bothers you, then why did you choose to have your first kiss with a guy you just met? What did you expect?

Kingdutch 3

Poor you, should've known better at a party though.


yeahreally 6

well hey its a first kiss right?? try not to drunk makeout anymore? which is pretty hard once you start doing it lol enjoy yourself you only get one round at life live it up!

kiss a whole bunch more guys and then u won't care anymore and will b cool :p

Brooklynxman 0

heh guess you were a horrible kisser so he had to go get his fix somewhere else. hehehe. dont worry practice makes perfect they say.

YDI for kissing some guy you just met at a party and thinking it sealed the deal.

No kidding. So desperate for a kiss WHEN YOU ARE STILL YOUNG GOOD GOD you (probably drunkenly) slobbered all over the first thing with a dick you saw AT A PARTY and then arrogantly thought he was going to stick with you. Good lord lady.

You just met him and kissed him, then get upset because he kisses another girl? Please do some soul-searching and learn a bit about the world because you can't expect a guy who would kiss a random girl at a party - you - to not kiss other random girls. Oh, and for the record, there's no human guidebook that says we have to have done things by a certain age. A good friend of mine was a virgin, and married a virgin, at 35 years old; the reason he broke up with me, when we dated, was because I wasn't a virgin. Everyone makes their own path, and no one is better or worse than anyone else based on what they have or haven't done sexually. (Of course, I'm not talking about the scum who have committed sexual crimes and whatnot.)

yea its okay i feel your pain im a 27 year old girl and never been kissed

The worst part is that by moping about his kissing another girl rather than approaching him, you missed a chance to also have your first threesome.

sarcdude 3

"Today, I made out with a guy that I had just met--" YDI.