Pets are life

By mikalovernj - 27/11/2020 14:02

Today, my neighbor asked me to check in on his pet. When I went into his house, I couldn't find any animals. I searched all over, and finally gave up and called him. I asked him what type of pet he had. His response? "My pet rock, Stubby." That's right, I just spent some time looking for a rock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 057
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neighbor has a pet rock and OP didn't think to ask what kind of pet. they deserve each other.

On the day before your neighbor returns, take a dump in the middle of his living room, and put Stubby next to it. Accidents happen.


rotflqtms_ 21

Hope you're getting paid for taking care of his pet...

neighbor has a pet rock and OP didn't think to ask what kind of pet. they deserve each other.

On the day before your neighbor returns, take a dump in the middle of his living room, and put Stubby next to it. Accidents happen.

LMFAO 😂 that's exactly what I thought too 😏

Neighbor is either a complete jerk and though that was a funny prank or they are a genuine nut job.

Whoever invented that pet rock is laughing all the way to the bank.