Pipe down

By Anonymous - 22/07/2019 00:01

Today, my family drove me to the airport. Before they said goodbye, my mom discreetly pulled me to one side and asked if I'd remembered to pack my birth control pills. Unfortunately, my little sister heard, then chased me through the security line, yelling, "YOU'RE ON BIRTH CONTROL?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 761
You deserved it 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're old enough to be on birth control, you're old enough to not be embarrassed by it.

uh no. people aren't always on birth control because of sex.


If you're old enough to be on birth control, you're old enough to not be embarrassed by it.

uh no. people aren't always on birth control because of sex.

Never said OP was having sex. But OP is certainly old enough to not be embarrassed by them.

True. A lot of my friends (and myself) originally started using hormone based birth control for reasons having nothing to do with preventing pregnancy. But it was certainly convenient to already be on it when you did start to have sex.

EmDizzle2007 28

lil sis wants to **** and moms ain't havin it.

I reached a respectable age, where most women I meet doesn't need birth control pills - or not for birth control anyway. But even when I was young, birth control pills was detached from any kind of sexual fantasy in a way condoms will never be - so I don't really understand why this should be embarrassing..

Aw, she just wanted to make sure you had a safe trip.

sewing101 1

something my older sister would do to me (she does it at the store about female items and got my niece in on it to)