Poor little guy

By CatLady - 09/06/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I tried to give his cat medicine. Unfortunately, it reacted in a way it never had before: clawed his arms to bits, bit him so hard a tooth fell out, peed everywhere, including on me, and pooped on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 317
You deserved it 6 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments


dotDotMyCurve 0

what is he on and where can I get some?

JokeMeister 0

that's what u get for having a cat!

XxdarkangelxX13 0

I feel bad for your boyfriend.... ouch:/

sandmancometh 3

Cat Facts... Cats clean themselves a lot but still stink? Even when they are healthy they stink up your house? Your house stinks even if your cat ***** outside? Why own a cat? Do you like to stink? just sayin.....? Cats don't shake, lay down, fetch, roll over. Cats don't protect you or warn you. Cats have no expression. Cats don't greet you each day as if they haven't seen you for a month. You go ahead and love your cat it's your choice and thats fine wahoo.. I choose a dog over a cat every time, it just makes sense....woof oh yeah, sorry about your carpet...

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Funny, my cat is clean, smells nice, greets me every time I come home as if it's been ages, cuddles with me when I'm sad or sleeping, plays tag with me, chats with me, kills nasty rodents, hisses and freaks out whenever strangers pass by the house...the dog I had smelled like shit, ate its own shit, and was dumber than a sack of shit. Don't compare cats and dogs; it's all about personal preference.

sandmancometh 3

if you think your cat smells good ask people if they smell it when they come over. You get used to the stink and don't realize it smells when you are around it every day. Yea they stink. I said if you want a cat that's fine and dandy. They do stink.

um it seems to me that he should be the one writing the fml. He gets his arms clawed to bits and all you got was cat piss and you're complaining? You're lucky that cat didn't claw your face.

Kemal33T 0

ungrateful feline deserves to die!