Pure evil

By PiaNO - 10/11/2009 21:41 - United Kingdom

Today, I was teaching a ten year old how to play piano. Halfway through the lesson, she made a minor mistake, which, trying to be a good tutor, I corrected her. She smiled up at me, paused, then slammed the key cover down onto my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 338
You deserved it 3 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ten years old is plenty old enough to know that such an action would hurt someone's fingers. At this age, it's just scary and psychopathic behavior. If I were in your shoes, I would release this "client" from further lessons.

nonynony 0

What a brat! I used to teach lessons. Tell her parent to either discipline their ******* kid or forget coming back. Their choice. If they've let their kid get to age 10 with this kind of behavior, they should be ashamed. God I hate parents these days.


If i was in your situation i probably would've got the rage, bloody kids eh? Glad i never was one

I guess you can... Call this... (puts shades on) a minor offense. YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Improbability 0

Ah, the interesting trap. She can't hurt the child or she will end up arrested for child abuse. In fact, I'm not sure what you could do that wouldn't make this a possibility. Kids make up stories, and parents of a monster like this are likely to believe them. Assuming you want to walk the line, scare the crap out of her instead. Smile evily, say, "That was not wise." Get up from the bench. "I'll be riiiiight back." Then leave her there for the rest of the lesson wondering what you are going to do to her. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Regardless of what the parents say, I would never teach a heathen like that again. If you agree to teach her again, you validate what she did. She'll learn more if you refuse to see her again, and maybe the parents will be embarrassed enough to do something about her. Btw, I can't believe there are people defending the child. You can't take a correction when you are wrong, so it's okay to physically harm your tutor? Seriously?! Grow up.

#40 this happened in the UK; where we have the NHS. No daft insurance companies/medical bills to pay, unlike the USA. We might wait forever in A&E waiting rooms but whatever - it's free :)

Agree, refuse to carry on teaching the kid and tell the parents

OMFG... thats horrible!!! i hope your fingers are fine, since you make your living (or at least part of it) of a piano lessons... and i would sue her damn parents for letting her behave that way

10 years-old is old enough to get punched in the mouth.

If you retaliate, you would only get sued by the parents, even though she did it first. Your supposed to be more mature, regardless of what the previous comments say. Though iwould LOVE to slam the cover on her fingers, you just have to suck it up or call the parents.

Hahahaha ten year olds are such snobbish little brats xD FYL for falling victim to the scourge of the childhood years xD