
By jib - 09/04/2022 07:00 - United States - Kilgore

Today, I was suffering from some gastric distress. While on my way to a job interview, I slipped on some concrete that was wet due to a recent slight rain shower. I didn't fall. I DID shit my pants though. I walked back home slowly in shame to clean up the mess. I didn't make it to the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 017
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gosh, if only there were an invention that would let you communicate with the interviewers from a long distance! You could've told them you were sick and rescheduled. I'm gonna Google on my iPhone to see if such a thing exists.


Gosh, if only there were an invention that would let you communicate with the interviewers from a long distance! You could've told them you were sick and rescheduled. I'm gonna Google on my iPhone to see if such a thing exists.

Maybe you should have walked faster, and with less shame. Maybe you would have made the Interview then