
By todd - 01/02/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got fired from her job for arguing with her female coworker. I found out from a mutual friend that the reason they were arguing was because they were fighting over "a hot male coworker" who hooked up with the female coworker. I think I need to leave her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 637
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dongdong xiang 10

Drop her like a hot potato. She deserves it for ******** where she eats. Find someone who will be 100% faithful to you and only you.


dongdong xiang 10

Drop her like a hot potato. She deserves it for ******** where she eats. Find someone who will be 100% faithful to you and only you.

I noticed you always seem to tell people to break up. In this case I agree.

Just... Wow. There should only be one guy that your girlfriend is willing to fight for, and that's you. She sounds.. classy...

Yeet yourself out of this shit show and on to much better things.

Yeah, you are probably not going to like what will come next.