Romance is corny

By ipopnlok - 29/06/2009 06:31 - Australia

Today, I planned a romantic dinner with rose petals, the whole lot, for my ex-girlfriend to win her back. When I took her to my house, I told her to guess what I had planned, to which she replied, "I hope it's not a stupid romantic dinner with rose petals and shit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 006
You deserved it 15 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

''romantic dinner? hell no, we're going to Wendy's''


meeeep 0

she seems like a bitch. she should be grateful for whatever you do to try to make her happy. although i agree you should have known her likes and dislikes. if your a romantic type of guy look for the romantic girls. there are plenty of them out there. :o)

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

I would have said the same damn thing. I hate it when ex-boyfriends do that stupid shit. She's your ******* EX for a reason.

capodanno 4

I totally agree. There are few things more uncomfortable than an ex trying to win you back no matter how many times you reject them.

YDI for not moving on like an adult.

Yeah, I'm thinking this was a dick move on your part. I'm sure that you went to a lot of effort and all, and in theory it's a really great gesture and in that way I feel sorry for you, but all this really proves is that you know so little about the girl that you thought it best to, in lieu of any knowledge, throw as many romantic cliches as you could at her in the hopes of winning her over. Assuming this kind of stuff doesn't get you anywhere. Get to know what a girl likes before bending over backwards with the gestures, because otherwise they can just blow up in your face, regardless of the effort involved on your part - especially if it turns out to be something the girl actively hates. Of course, by the sounds of it, you should also consider the possibility that the girl in question doesn't want anything to do with you and your romantic gestures, which is probably why she is your "ex".

deaditegirl 0

Maybe the fact that you clearly know nothing about her preferences and tastes is why she's your EX-girlfriend. YDI.

Seriously? Whether you're into that stuff or not, I think a person should be thankful if a guy did that for them. Suck it up for one night.

but pretending to like it will lead to misunderstandings in the future. never lie about your personality. but ofcourse be thankful, for example "thank you! i'm not really into this sort of stuff though"

thats ncie of you to do. seriously whats her problem?? well theres a reason she's your ex

Exactly as #1 and repliers said. If you already dated her you should KNOW a little about her..

kikchik2491 0

yes, some girls don't like all the romantic stuff, but they are so stupid! Tomanctic guys are SO HARD TO FIND and just for the record guys don't know what a girl wants at all pretty much its just a 50/50 takes time to learn that, who knows how long him and that girl were could have been just a few days. Don't try to change just for one girl either. If they don't like you for who you are and what they do then they aren't right for you. Some day a girl will come around that adores all the romantic stuff. I absolutly love it when my boyfriend suprises me with my favorite flowers or just little suprises. Keep it up!

FYI, you can be "romantic" WITHOUT the cheese.