Run for the hills

By Stung - 03/08/2009 21:57 - United States

Today, I found out that bees like to make hives in odd places, like in your vintage car's trunk. I also found out that they don't like it when you break their hive in half when you open the trunk to get out a spare tire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 156
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** You Honey Nut Cheerios Bee. That's not a balanced breakfast you're giving me... it lies!

AndelleRae 9

This shit sucks. My car has been sitting in my parking lot for awhile, and it's infested with bees. I tried getting into my trunk, and got swarmed by them. Luckily I didn't get stung. My recommendation is lots of Raid.


**** You Honey Nut Cheerios Bee. That's not a balanced breakfast you're giving me... it lies!

ksunnyv1011 0

Exactly how did they enter the truck?

Wait, you couldn't hear the buzzing as you went to open the trunk? Was the car on? Was it otherwise noisy enough to drown out the sounds of thousands of buzzing insects? Are you hard of hearing? Did you not feel the vibration of their collector movements as you touhed the trunk? I am confused as to how you did not clue in of the presence of an entire hive of bees living in your car. The situation sucks, yes, but that does not stop me from being quite perplexed.

This could have happened at night. Bees normally don't buzz after sundown. Unless of course you accidentally smash their hive open.

It would have been at best a faint buzzing, and if I were in that situation I would look around for bees, but I would never suspect them to be INSIDE the trunk. Well, not until I read this at least.

mevads17 0

they could have been on the freeway. when your stuck on the freeway u cant hear anything. and cars drive past ridiculously fast which in turn make your car move. which explains your confusions. its not unlikely that if the OP was on the freeway that they wouldnt have noticed.

Amortifiedperson 0

I rarely come across an FML that makes me gasp when I read it well this one sure made me! FYL!!!!

Imawhalerider 0

you have a tire . . . swing for the fences. man up.

Did you perhaps travel to Grandville for the vintage car show? or was that your intent before this happened? I ask because I was at said car show, and I probably have a photo of your car somewhere - I hope it was awesome and worth being kept in storage and not driven.

Is this bee day or some shit? Why do a lot of these FMLs have to do with bees?