Seeking companions

By NLM - 10/09/2023 18:02 - Canada - Belleville

Today, I can't make friends. Every community event I go to, I'm the youngest person by decades, everyone I exchange contact info with in person never messages me back, and people I meet online ghost me before we get past "How are you?" I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I just want friends. I'm so fucking lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 663
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not saying this to be A Jerk, but out of a genuine desire to help: could it be that you're coming off a bit strong to people in your desperation, scaring them off by accident? I don't think most people would consider an age difference an immediate turn-off, at least.

🫂 You aren't doing anything 'wrong' it's just that, in general, People suck. It's gotta be disheartening to get zero back for your efforts but if you give up... Don't. Go looking for your own age group, look into your local hobby clubs rather than community events, places that you can actually spend time getting to know people. Most of them will just be 'club' friends but there will be one or two that you actually click with. The 21st century has us all caught up believing in 'instant' things. The cake, however, is a lie. Friendships take time to build. They take time to find and they need attention to maintain. You also have to look for them in the right places. Big bang community events are 'throw away' experiences. You have fun and then just go back to your life the next day. You want small, steady, regular meet ups with a focus (think things like weekly knitting/book/DIY groups. You're all there for the activity but because of it, you end up chatting with everyone). Being with people on a regular basis helps break the catch 22 of being lonely and it allows you to relax about it a bit. Once you relax about it, you start being yourself and people will begin to respond. Slow down, chill, find something that *you* really enjoy first, then find a group of people also enjoying it and join them. It doesn't take full on Friendships to stop feeling lonely. This is an internet myth. It just takes spending good, regular time with other people, enjoying shared interests. It's the compost that friendships grow best out of. At the moment you (understandably) want friendship to instantly to bloom out of nothing, but it just isn't going to happen that way, this is why you are having little success and feeling worse every time it doesn't work. So stop making yourself feel worse. Take a deep breath, accept that it's going to take time and cannot be forced. Find a small group to spend decent, regular time with and things will change. 💋


I'm not saying this to be A Jerk, but out of a genuine desire to help: could it be that you're coming off a bit strong to people in your desperation, scaring them off by accident? I don't think most people would consider an age difference an immediate turn-off, at least.

Hire hookers. But, beware, they actually charge more for the "just friends" treatment. You might have to have sex to stretch your budget.

🫂 You aren't doing anything 'wrong' it's just that, in general, People suck. It's gotta be disheartening to get zero back for your efforts but if you give up... Don't. Go looking for your own age group, look into your local hobby clubs rather than community events, places that you can actually spend time getting to know people. Most of them will just be 'club' friends but there will be one or two that you actually click with. The 21st century has us all caught up believing in 'instant' things. The cake, however, is a lie. Friendships take time to build. They take time to find and they need attention to maintain. You also have to look for them in the right places. Big bang community events are 'throw away' experiences. You have fun and then just go back to your life the next day. You want small, steady, regular meet ups with a focus (think things like weekly knitting/book/DIY groups. You're all there for the activity but because of it, you end up chatting with everyone). Being with people on a regular basis helps break the catch 22 of being lonely and it allows you to relax about it a bit. Once you relax about it, you start being yourself and people will begin to respond. Slow down, chill, find something that *you* really enjoy first, then find a group of people also enjoying it and join them. It doesn't take full on Friendships to stop feeling lonely. This is an internet myth. It just takes spending good, regular time with other people, enjoying shared interests. It's the compost that friendships grow best out of. At the moment you (understandably) want friendship to instantly to bloom out of nothing, but it just isn't going to happen that way, this is why you are having little success and feeling worse every time it doesn't work. So stop making yourself feel worse. Take a deep breath, accept that it's going to take time and cannot be forced. Find a small group to spend decent, regular time with and things will change. 💋

want a pen pal from Scotland? I’ve always fancied one. lemme know if you’re interested!