Sex work is real work

By Anonymous - 22/11/2022 10:00 - United States - Burke

Today, I made the coolest platonic friend who I really liked. She liked me too, until I accidentally found her setting up an OnlyFans and, in a fit of feeling very weird about it, confronted her. Now she won't talk to me at all and has blocked me on every single online platform you could imagine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 281
You deserved it 2 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The relationship was PLATONIC, not SEXUAL. YDI. You had no right to judge her. She doesn't owe you anything. Got nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut, pal.

It’s fine to feel weird about finding a friend’s OF by accident. It’s NOT fine to “confront” them about it. Your friend had nothing to apologize for or justify to you and you ruined your own friendship here.


The relationship was PLATONIC, not SEXUAL. YDI. You had no right to judge her. She doesn't owe you anything. Got nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut, pal.

It’s fine to feel weird about finding a friend’s OF by accident. It’s NOT fine to “confront” them about it. Your friend had nothing to apologize for or justify to you and you ruined your own friendship here.

Guess you will have to subscribe to her OnlyFans page

Marcella1016 31

If you found out one of your male friend was a **** star, would you try to talk him out of it? I can guess the answer, and I bet you’re also one of those guys who would swear you’re not sexist. Asshole. You lost a friend from this situation. Hopefully you’ll learn from it and become a better person.

Confrontation should always be saved for when the circumstances are very serious - Like to protect someone from bodily harm. Only a judgmental jerk would “confront” someone who is living their own life and not harming anyone… I can hardly believe the number of times I read or hear of someone aparantly bragging about confronting someone over something that is none of their damm business. And of course it almost always turns out badly.

Confronted her for what exactly? Doing what she wants? Dude, mind your business

So you let her know that you are both judgemental and confrontational and she didn't want to be your friend? How bizarre!

Feeling weird because she was doing something that didn't affect you at all? Mind your own business.