Sheer class

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Norway

Today, I saw my crush walking on the other side of the street. She hadn't noticed me, so when she did I nonchalantly looked over and casually waved to look cool. I then walked right into a lamp post. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 805
You deserved it 38 480

Same thing different taste


MsMegaroo 0

If you r in do u speak English? jw..

Ringmaster1 0

Alot of foriegners speak English, it's almost required for trading/travel.

paks7 0

wow...ignorant much? I would very much like for people like you to not represent me as American

MsMegaroo 0

Im not representing YOU as an representing ME as an American Duhhh

heyyou1203 0

yea, but point is when u say stupid shit like that u make all Americans look ignorant. congrats. and yea, most Europeans, especially Swedes, learn English as their second language because they're not lazy like us and think everyone else should learn their language.

heyyou1203 0
Luneth101 0

Yeah, some Americans are lazy (I'm a Chinese American, but I'm lazy too). However, what I don't like is how you hear about illegal aliens from Mexico come into a store and then sue it for not having Spanish signs. Come on people, really? If you're coming to America, learn English, especially if you're going to live here. Especially if you're illegal, I mean, you're breaking the law just by being here, the least you can do is learn our language.

Wow I didn't know people can be that stupid

maybe running into poles is a turn on for her? if so consider yourself lucky!

I don't get why it's even on here. It's not a fml, it's just stupid. Trying to act cool then failing.

People need to start looking where they're walking

This seems to happen quite a lot to many FML users...

people in norway tend to do these things ^^

Maybe she thought it was cute? She probably guess you were trying to impress her by acting casual after that display xD...she wouldn't have if you had just done the casual wave and not walked into anything.