
By Anonymous - 02/08/2021 14:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, my mom is trying to be quiet, thinking me asleep. This means she will whisper to the dogs in the upstairs hallway, then quietly go downstairs where she will bang the doors so hard that the house shakes. Apparently, she thinks each floor is in its own separate dimension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 851
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry you had to live through this, but this would be a great plot point for a new episode of "The Twilight Zone."

Methinks she needs to have all her cabinet doors padded. And the whole room, for that matter.


I'm sorry you had to live through this, but this would be a great plot point for a new episode of "The Twilight Zone."

Methinks she needs to have all her cabinet doors padded. And the whole room, for that matter.