Skin deep

By EffinAhole - 03/10/2010 04:27 - France

Today, to spice things up a bit, my wife and I were having sex in our kitchen. She was up on the counter and I moved her over to get in a better position. The stove was still hot from dinner, so now my wife has a burn that looks like a double rainbow on her ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 102
You deserved it 36 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jaderrrx3 0

I think it's more like **** her life.


Maybe he does deserve it but... DOUBLE RAINBOW!!

double rainbow all the way across the ass!

DarkWaffle 0

I think its starting to look like a TRIPLE RAINBOW *cries*

KingDingALing 9

44- Hahahahaha! That's the first thing that came to my mind to!

How is this an FML? It's amazing! You just got two pots of gold!

Oh, man! It's a double rainbow all across the sky!

woooaaahhh double rainbow what does it mean


yea #44 just stole that line from #24...bitch ass can't even come up with his own joke!

Jessi2487 0

double the rainbow double the fun?

green_eyes124 0

oh shit at least u kept the bitch in her rightful place... the kitchen

DaleksAreEpic 0

wtf man people make food and eat there....

Sun_Kissed18 25
weavermycutecat 0 bright so vivid....double rainbow double intense...

aaaahh 0
whoisthisgirl 4

psht it was on raywilliamjohnson first. tosh.o can suck a dick

AceArctic 4
ThatOneDouchebag 0

**** Tosh, it was on RWJ like 2 months earlier.

UnicornsDoExist 0

Oh, damn, I hope you apologized like crazy

Yeah I hope he did too, if he didn't then she will give him a reason to post on fml. Also, more like F anyone who has ever eaten at your house's life... come on.

or anyone who WILL eat at op's house :/

DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THe WAY ACROSS THE SKY!!!! What does it mean?? Bah haha aha hahahahahahahahahahaha Tosh.O FTW!!!

factioncoalition 0

#5 No. Ray William Johnson ftw. Everyone knows internet killed television. :)

Tosh.0 and thebestpageintheuniverse >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ray William Johnson

christian50 0

Tosh.0 does all the stuff RWJ did only way later. Coencidence?

Both of them are annoying ***** who must reiterate the Internet to the uneducated.

dear number 5, your amazingly hot just thought you should know. c: love from me(:

I had a feeling all the YouTube nerds would comment on this comment. and nononononononoo RWJ FTW.

and then some hobo was all like "DOUBLE RAINBOW!!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?" and started crying

Today, I burned my ass while having sex on the stove. FML

JoeyxCloud 0

this is one fake fml unless she cooked dinner then said f*#k it it wouldn't would have cooled down before they got done eating and it would have been a upside-down rainbow or full circle if they just went at it so fake

sounds fake to me. already seen this once here and there was a video of this scene on youtube which was a commercial...