Slippery when wet

By Ulysse - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I bought a new electric razor. I tried it, and washed it. I started to shake it in order to get rid of the water. It was pretty slippery, and it exploded onto the floor of my bathroom. The warranty doesn't cover this, I guess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 286
You deserved it 8 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

soldiat_fml 17

When you say explode, did you drop it or did it just spontaneously combust? An exploding razor should be covered by the warranty. A dropped razor...maybe not so much.


Yeah... no surprise... warranties don't cover you being an idiot.

emeraldchicky 0

Stop competing whether slippy is a word or not. And how can the razor just explode, OP? Seriously?

soldiat_fml 17

When you say explode, did you drop it or did it just spontaneously combust? An exploding razor should be covered by the warranty. A dropped razor...maybe not so much.

Generally speaking warranties don't cover stupidity.

I'm quite sure u don't wash an electronic buzzer

I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to wash an electric razor... Double fail on your part.