So good it's bad

By kingpin7 - 30/03/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, I went down on my girlfriend. In the midst of her orgasm, she grabbed my head with her legs, performing a submission most UFC fighters could be proud of, and she held on for so long that I almost suffocated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 464
You deserved it 10 299

Same thing different taste


darksidehascooki_fml 0
elmick 0

Damm that's hot, if only that could happen to me.

This is not an FML. This is a great day.

fromthesuck 8

oh hey man not to embarrass you but you're on the wrong site. you meant to go to let's make a count of how many people actually go to it. I don't even know if it's real

Intense ******, be proud OP and read up on some counters.

damn nigga she must have been feeling it

I honestly gotta say, I love it when my girlfriend does that to me. Next time, just take a deep breath before diving in xD

you are saying that like its a bad thing!! triangle choke FTW