So, how did it go?

By Help me - 05/01/2023 21:00

Today, it's one week until I have to attend a public speaking event that is mandatory to graduate where I live. I have severe social anxiety and even worse stage fright. Not attending the event, even with a tremendously sound excuse, will bar you from graduation. Hopefully I don't suffer a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 872
You deserved it 1 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Practice, Practice, Practice. Practice in front of small groups. Family is a good start. Practice your speech until you can NOT get it wrong. The better you have your speech rehersed the smoother things are likely to go. Rehearsing in front of family and hopefully others will help with the performing in front of any audience. If you will read your speech from cards or from paper, put in some highlights or other visual que to remind you to look up at the audience every once in a while. Life is full of instances where we must do things that scare the crap out of us (oh yes, go to the bathroom before your speech), but you can do little things to help. Rehearsal in front of live people (family) and repetition is the most beneficial.

TomeDr 24

One thing I remember from my speech class in college was the teacher telling us that you’re going to be nervous. As long as you recognize that you will be nervous, you can get past it I don’t know if that will help you, but I wish you all the best.


Practice, Practice, Practice. Practice in front of small groups. Family is a good start. Practice your speech until you can NOT get it wrong. The better you have your speech rehersed the smoother things are likely to go. Rehearsing in front of family and hopefully others will help with the performing in front of any audience. If you will read your speech from cards or from paper, put in some highlights or other visual que to remind you to look up at the audience every once in a while. Life is full of instances where we must do things that scare the crap out of us (oh yes, go to the bathroom before your speech), but you can do little things to help. Rehearsal in front of live people (family) and repetition is the most beneficial.

Don't worry about having a panic attack. The crowd will love it! They'll think you are hilarious. You can't lose!

TomeDr 24

One thing I remember from my speech class in college was the teacher telling us that you’re going to be nervous. As long as you recognize that you will be nervous, you can get past it I don’t know if that will help you, but I wish you all the best.

I assume you have to speak, not just attend and that’s why OP is nervous… I had to take a public speaking class in college too, and ultimately it was helpful in my career as an engineer. The most important things I remember from the course are: … (1) Preparation - Know and practice what you have to speak about… (2) Notes - Use brief headlines on your notes that remind you what you were going to talk about but do not attempt to write out all the details. Short speaking notes are more effective, easier to read and you are less likely to get lost during your speech… (3) Props - Sometimes you can bring a few props along, a model to pass around, an enlarged picture, or very brief charts. They give you a little break when the attention is on your props instead of you, but don’t overdo it - People can get bored with too many props… OP best to you - This is an assignment that will pay back many times over in your career.

Battousai124 7

Go there and have a panic attack, you attended and suffered a medical emergency. 2 birds, 1 stone.

cogswcq2 7

Propranolol was life changing for me for this. 5-10mg an hour before public speaking and it took away the physical symptoms like voice shaking and heart pounding. Still felt nervous but my physical symptoms were hidden.

cogswcq2 7
turnabouttrial 21

If you can have papers with you while you read, I would just read the script so I don't have to think about what to say. Just make sure you wrote the script in a way that sounds natural when said out loud and take care not to read too quickly. From one sufferer of social anxiety to another, you can do it.

AmJBen 5

I have an anxiety disorder and I HATE public speaking. Look above everyone and keep telling yourself the physical feelings aren’t real. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but for me it really helps so I hope it can for you too!