
By Anonymous - 29/06/2021 04:01

Today, I went to visit an ex-boyfriend in New York and slept at his place. In the night, while he was asleep, I had to pee really bad so I went to their one bathroom and found his mom passed out asleep on the toilet, leading me to pee my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 023
You deserved it 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

that is when you either pee in the sink, or in the tub

Now that's 'taking the piss' to an unpleasant level.


Now that's 'taking the piss' to an unpleasant level.

Jon Tessler 14

that is when you either pee in the sink, or in the tub

Feels like there had to have been a better option. Maybe just help the passed out person get to bed next time.

I would have stepped into the shower and pissed down the drain.