
By papergirl - 24/04/2009 15:47 - United States

Today, I went to a fancy restaurant. I was coming right from work and brought a change of clothes with me. I parked in an empty corner of the parking lot to change. As I was pulling my pants up, I noticed that I was facing an apartment complex where an old guy was watching me from his balcony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 273
You deserved it 19 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

good_associate 0

Why wouldn't you just change in the restroom at your work?

mewzik 0

Never ever do that unless a friend is there to block you


kwbuzz23wk 0

what nice place shares a parking lot with an apartment complex? maybe our areas are different. but you HAVE to notice an apartment complex!

OP noticed the comples before, but didnt notice the old man.

mewzik 0

Never ever do that unless a friend is there to block you

good_associate 0

Why wouldn't you just change in the restroom at your work?

heres an idea. just wear the clothes you already had on. FYL.

#6 - the person probably has to wear a uniform to work. Or his/her work clothes weren't nice enough for the restaurant. That sucks - FYL, but you also deserve it for not seeing the apartment complex q: And like #4 said, you could have changed before leaving work.

Who changes in a public parking lot? YDI, dumbass.

cant_touch_this 0