Standing to attention

By Anonymous - 27/04/2022 02:00

Today, I told my girlfriend that for whatever reason I find it really difficult to orgasm stood up in the shower, she immediately demanded sex in the shower on the basis that without my orgasm maybe I’ll finally last long enough for her to orgasm first, or even at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 408
You deserved it 1 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She is very smart! Marry that one! She's a natural problem-solver.

TomeDr 24

Dude, take the hint! You might want to consider making sex good for HER for a change!


She is very smart! Marry that one! She's a natural problem-solver.

Well now you know what you need to do, get on with it.

And you don't want to have sex with your girlfriend because...?

TomeDr 24

Dude, take the hint! You might want to consider making sex good for HER for a change!

I'm wondering if the other commenters have gotten the wrong take on this one. If OP is a selfish guy who doesn't care if his girl has an ****** that's one thing. But if he thought he was pleasing her and this is how he found out that he wasn't, that's pretty brutal, definitely an FML.

communication is so sexy in the bedroom, and then both of you can ****** without her feeling left out. women are so communicative we can and will tell you how we will ****** better if you just ask, and listen. we want to ****** as much as men do, if not more because women hardly get the opportunity to find a partner willing to listen

Vesi 29

Yeah we girls have a hot button that is at the top of the vulva.. might want to start playing with that button and see what happens. =)