
By Anonymous - 08/06/2022 06:00

Today, I had no money on me, so I asked my husband to put money in the cancer charity box for me. He grumbled about it, then realised he only had £10 notes, so he gave them a tenner but asked the lady if she could break open the sealed box to give him £9 in change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 846
You deserved it 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pink_Turnips 14

in his defense, these donation people will take 90% for them and 10% to where you actually donated (not all, but enough to make you question all)


Pink_Turnips 14

in his defense, these donation people will take 90% for them and 10% to where you actually donated (not all, but enough to make you question all)