Susssy baka

By Anonymous - 25/04/2022 22:00 - United States

Today, my best friend told me she thinks my fiancé might be gay, because he won't cheat on me with her, like all my past boyfriends did. I'm sorry? My past boyfriends did WHAT with WHO? FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 013
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

pls be a joke, but if it isn't you need to find a new best friend

There's another explanation. He could be... ...what's the word for it?... ...faithful. Is that word archaic?


Boyufd 24

pls be a joke, but if it isn't you need to find a new best friend

There's another explanation. He could be... ...what's the word for it?... ...faithful. Is that word archaic?

Wow. With friends like that, who needs…well, literally any other stressor in life? Your dude sounds like a good dude, and this so-called friend..,well, the hell with her. In fact, hell damn fart.

kristinagir 11

you gained an awesome boyfriend and lost the backstabbing ho of a 'best friend'. it's a win win. personally I might have beaten her ass. don't do that though, but worth going to jail for scum.

slhiggx 17

She is not your best friend. Also she seems to have insecurities or some self esteem issues.