
By Upset - 03/02/2016 18:14 - United States - Santa Clara

Today, after finding out that my professor likes to talk trash about, and constantly belittle, Muslims in every American History class he teaches, I submitted an essay about Muslim contributions to humanity. He held me back after class and asked why I gave him such filth. I'm a Muslim. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 613
You deserved it 5 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report him to the department chair. Even if he has tenure, things like that can get it revoked. There's no need to treat people that way.

your teacher is a piece of crap, op. so sorry you had to go through that. report that ****** imediately


take your towel off your head smother him to death :D

It's not a towel. It's a hijab, and we don't know if OP actually wears one and, if they do, then they probably aren't about to take it off for some old racist.

I seriously hope he loses his job, because that's absolutely disgusting.

OMG REPORT HIM!! Worst advice ever! Kind of like like someone saying "There's a fire!" and you all just shouted "Throw some water on it! Problem solved." OP I'm sorry you got a bigot teacher. I've had a few and generally I find they aren't really worth dealing with. Try talking to a guidance councilor about it. Maybe get you into a different class and the actual things that can result from reporting it right now. You can always report it after you pass the class or change classes. Document it. Heck make him your pet project. What ever you do C.Y.A.. By summer all he should be to you is a story about some stupid bigot you once had as a history teacher.

Steve97 32

I'm surprised that the comments haven't been disabled, glad the fml community is so tolerant!

mariri9206 32

They were earlier. don't know why they're not now but whatevs.

Well it sucks that your teacher is a racist. But use common sense and not write about the people the college professor is racist about...

"Well it sucks that your teacher is a racist, but use common sense and accept & encourage such racism" Dude what

I would film him saying those shit and YouTube his sorry ass.

What have Muslims contributed in the last hundred years?

More than people like you have that's for sure.