Take your time

By Easy-bake oven - 14/08/2022 14:00

Today, after I’ve been head-over heels crushing on a girl for years, she finally told me she felt the same. A month after I'd moved to a different country forever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 863
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe in your new country, you call reinvent yourself as someone with the balls to make a move on someone they like instead of cowardly crushing on them.

Time to buy a ticket. Have her visit you and maybe you can start a life in the new country together.


Maybe in your new country, you call reinvent yourself as someone with the balls to make a move on someone they like instead of cowardly crushing on them.

Time to buy a ticket. Have her visit you and maybe you can start a life in the new country together.