Today, I received an e-mail from a place I'd interviewed at, telling me they won’t be offering me the position. They came across an old Twitter account of mine, where I posted X-Rated content and sometimes stereotypical and dark humor. I don’t even remember the e-mail and password so that I can deactivate it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 456
You deserved it 1 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report the profile so it gets deleted by Twitter? At that point that's your only choice...

Look up the Harvard Meme Scandal. I doubt what you post will literally be available forever, but it will be long enough that it feels like forever. Some people use fake names if they are going to be an asshole online.


Report the profile so it gets deleted by Twitter? At that point that's your only choice...

Look up the Harvard Meme Scandal. I doubt what you post will literally be available forever, but it will be long enough that it feels like forever. Some people use fake names if they are going to be an asshole online.

Rule one of making a 18+ account: keep it as untraceable as possible