Thanks for the help

By PineapplePizza - 15/08/2016 07:41 - United States - Irwin

Today, I should be starting my last year of college next week. But no. My old advisor messed up my schedule so badly that there's no way I'll graduate for another year. So I'll be in school five years for a four year program because as a freshman I thought my advisor was helping me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 844
You deserved it 1 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make your dumbass advisor pay for your tuition, because that's not right. Messing up that badly isn't something u should let slide tho

Maybe your old advisor could have used an extra year of college. FYL OP, that sounds so shitty.


Maybe your old advisor could have used an extra year of college. FYL OP, that sounds so shitty.

Make your dumbass advisor pay for your tuition, because that's not right. Messing up that badly isn't something u should let slide tho

My advisor kind of did that too. I just needed a couple months rather than a year. College advisors seem to be pretty hit and miss. The ones for other departments and even other majors in my department were pretty helpful. But for mine, it was a miracle to even get in contact with her, let alone an appointment since she scheduled all her own rather than using the secretary like all the others. So sorry that you have to deal with a terrible advisor. I feel your pain. Many people in college are good at their job, but many are also very bad.

So sorry OP, hope you find a way to shorten the time or get some sort of grants/scholarships to help you out. My friend went through the same thing. So when I was entering university, I decided to figure everything out on my own (especially after switching programs). It's super hard at first though! But I really recommend looking into the courses/prerequisites/availabilities yourself and figuring out if you can find a possible loophole. I'm not sure how your college works but maybe it's possible to take extra courses per semester or take a full summer semester instead? (In my university, taking extra courses per semester does not cost more, you only pay the full-time student fee). It does mean you would have to dedicate more time though. Hope things work out in your favour! Good luck!

In high school in my senior year, I was in three freshman classes. Would've been nice if my counselor told me that they were required to graduate.

sucks. but maybe they thought you needed extra time because u were stressed out? less classes per semester.

Oh I know how much that sucks. It was a little different for me because my problem was that I had a different adviser seemingly every year because they keep leaving or there were other changes in the department that made it impossible for them to keep the same amount of advisees. So I ended up having at least 3 different people who had to familiarize themselves with me and my program. I know it sucks and I would look into maybe having the school fix the problem or help you out. Or maybe see if you can fit some of the needed classes into your scheduled now. It's not the end of the world to take an extra year, nobody will know because you'll still have the degree, it'll just suck to have to pay for over another year.

Thanks God I never listened to my advisor, I know exactly what every course has to offer and what it opens to me in the future. You should have done more research.

So.. everyone is pissed at the advisor, and duly noted - he did not do his job and earn a gold star. However, you are not a freshman anymore and should have thuroughly checked your transcripts, classes, and registration EVERY term. It baffles me that someone would leave something as important as that to the hands of anyone but themselves - the only person who this affects the most. Had you done so, even if you cannot process the registration without your advisor - you would have spotted discrepancies or errors, and guess what? Your ass would be graduating on time. Yeah sure he is supposed to be a professional, but are you going to go to a chef every time you get hungry? No - fend for yourself, and imo this is as much on you as it is on your advisor, if not more so. Yeah, a lot more so. It's like saying "fffffuck, I can't get into college next year because my guidance counselor didn't tell me of the application deadlines". QQ. Created an account just to post this. Hopefully you learned something that college evidently did not teach.