Thanks, I guess…

By reallyson? - 12/01/2015 05:28 - United States - South Hadley

Today, I got undressed in front of my boyfriend for the first time. His reaction? "You're chubbier than I expected." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 515
You deserved it 4 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you want to lose weight, drop 150 pounds by dropping him to the curb.

I don't know why voicing that comment seemed like a good idea to him... Maybe he was kidding? Stills sucks though, FYL


If you want to lose weight, drop 150 pounds by dropping him to the curb.

You don't have to lift to be heavy. The only lifting they do is food to their mouth.

im_a_black_guy 10

Why maybe he was trying to be funny. People are so quick to dump and judge

I don't perceive his comment as funny, but if it was an attempt at humour OP really needs to talk to her bf about the hurt feelings.

If you dump your boyfriend over that 1 comment, you deserve to be single

NomeDMF 17

Okay, you're boyfriend's clearly an asshole and you obviously don't deserve him(in a good way) if he's going to speak to you that way.

Um, it's actually the other way around.

Noo number 3's definitely got it right here, there just no situation where it would ever be a good idea for a guy to say that to a girl.

13 what ******* planet do you live on where you think that way. OP you need to dump him. I've only had one boyfriend who didn't complain or comment about my imperfections. He's not worth your time.

im_a_black_guy 10

Everyone here is stupid, it would be different if he was like, I'm out, but seriously, how many times to men try to be funny or break the tension and en up failing. This is honestly one of those time

Lol I meant it's the other way around in that OPs bf does not deserve her. And by that I mean, she's better than him. And by that I mean, SHE should dump HIM. Do you all get it now?

43, if telling people they're fat is how you try to "break the tension", I can see why you keep failing.

I don't know why voicing that comment seemed like a good idea to him... Maybe he was kidding? Stills sucks though, FYL

"Oh look, you're a little more single that I expected".

It's never funny to joke about your girlfriends weight..especially since she probably was more self conscious than normal since this is the first time she's undressed in front of him

Wouldn't it make more sense to call her abnormally thin to compensate? "Wow, your waist is so skinny, I think I might snap you in half if I put it in!"

Noting someone else's flaws doesn't always mean you have underlying insecurities. Facts are facts.


Sorry he said somethng so stupid. Tell him that girls don't feel like being intimate when their boyfriend makes them feel unnappreciated. Then get dressed and leave.

I hope "And you're more single than you expected" was your response.