The past is the past

By Boudoir Babes Hubby - 04/07/2023 06:00

Today, I’ve met the last of my wife’s ex-boyfriends. She’s been out of touch with all of them since we met, but after seeing their shared looks, I'm convinced they all have naked pictures of her. How recent they are is the only remaining question. FML
I agree, your life sucks 412
You deserved it 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need help.. You have some serious trust issues

you went to all of your wives exes who you know she hasn't seen since you got married?? the weird look was maybe I should call the cops you ******* moron


Why aren't you more worried about how many of them are still ******* her?

You need help.. You have some serious trust issues

I’m like 95% certain you’re letting your jealousy read waaay too much into this, my guy.

you went to all of your wives exes who you know she hasn't seen since you got married?? the weird look was maybe I should call the cops you ******* moron

Did she introduce you to them or did you just hunt down and meet them for yourself? This is kinda important info...