This Charming Man

By Anonymous - 06/02/2022 00:01

Today, my wife and I have been trying for kids for years and nothing, yet my deadbeat brother just ran out on his third pregnant girlfriend in a row, with no intention of meeting the baby ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 177
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wonder why your brother doesn't just get himself sterilized. what a terrible person. I guess if you don't warn the next girl, you're enabling his disgusting behavior and can be considered an accomplice. I'm sorry about you and you're wife

Are you a part of your nieces'/nephews' lives? At least you both can be an uncle and aunt to them.


wonder why your brother doesn't just get himself sterilized. what a terrible person. I guess if you don't warn the next girl, you're enabling his disgusting behavior and can be considered an accomplice. I'm sorry about you and you're wife

While it's a nice thought, and I agree that men knocking up lots of chicks and being no good deadbeats is wrong...well shit you're right. But somehow that doesn't mean you give up reproductive rights 👿 I worked in a plasma center and tons of guys would brag about all their baby's mamas and weren't supporting a single kid. Yet more and more stupid bitches got knocked up. If the woman is dumb enough, she won't listen to any reason. One guy even bragged about having 17 kids he wasn't taking care of while donating to make $20 for HIMSELF. I wonder how dumb the 17th fool was 🤦‍♀️

Why don't you get your brother to bang your wife? Obviously, he knows what he's doing.

I feel you. My wife and I having been struggling. My wife’s sister recently went out drinking and had her second kid with a one-night-stand.

You too could adopt your nephew/niece.

Are you a part of your nieces'/nephews' lives? At least you both can be an uncle and aunt to them.

Dasmokingtaco 4

i feel your pain. most married couples get pregnant when they stop trying and let nature do its thing or get professional help from a fertility doctor