This is America {RUNNING ON WINDOWS 98}

By ThisIsYourDoc - 30/05/2023 12:00

Today, my hospital provides me with an IT system from the late '90s to manage the overblown patient documentation requirements of the early 2020s. In one of the richest nations on earth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 733
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

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Well, if you were in the richest nation on Earth, you wouldn't care about documentation, you'd reject uninsured patients with a cackle and you'd have an army of bureaucrats overbilling the insured ones. Your only problem will be deciding which of your ten luxury cars to drive today.

How lucky! Those managing the richest nation's nuclear weapons still rely on big floppy disks and migraine-inducing computer monitors from the seventies.


Well, if you were in the richest nation on Earth, you wouldn't care about documentation, you'd reject uninsured patients with a cackle and you'd have an army of bureaucrats overbilling the insured ones. Your only problem will be deciding which of your ten luxury cars to drive today.

How lucky! Those managing the richest nation's nuclear weapons still rely on big floppy disks and migraine-inducing computer monitors from the seventies.

Preaching to the choir. My business runs on Mac and the computers in the office are 20+ years old. Most of them won't even connect to the Internet. Booting up the computer and any program takes 20+ minutes. Always great when there's a power surge... I feel your pain.