Time is money

By skipperpop - 11/08/2016 22:24 - United States - Ames

Today, after work, I was saying goodbye to my last remaining friend I worked with because she was going to be leaving for college. My manager saw me talking and made me clock back in and work, because, "If you have time to talk, you have time to work." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 648
You deserved it 1 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

If you were already off the clock and had worked your scheduled shift, I can't understand his reasoning. Then again, I guess dicks don't need reasons.

Wizardo 33

Should've clocked your boss. With steel chair to nowhere. Assert dominance. Man, gotta love these haiku's.


Are you serious? That's abuse, it has nothing to do with regular work ethics. If you have no friends left at work, maybe you should start looking for another job with less dickheads as managers