Time to pretend

By fmeplease - 31/05/2009 21:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I was cleaning out my bedside table when I came across some condoms I bought on my 18th birthday, to use the first time I had sex. They expired five years ago. I'm still waiting for my first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 260
You deserved it 12 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, the good news is, you just got ****** by life. :) Congrats.

Animati0n 0


i was 20 before i "lost it". boo-*******-hoo. it's not a big deal. i waited until i found someone i loved and trusted enough to engage in sex, and we're still together. age is nothing. i know people way older than you who are still virgins, and it's not like they haven't had the chance, they're just not ready and mature enough.

kelbel22 0

for everyone who didnt know condoms expired?...youre dumb. OP-sorry to hear that but hey girls tend to find virgins more attractive and less intimidating, youll find someone within time, just gotta be patient*

#7, I liked your post. To the guy who didn't understand that condoms expire or HOW they expire: may you NEVER get laid. They get more likely to break. If there's spermicide, it stops working. The lube does who knows what. To people asking his age, it'd be around 24-25 years old.

#25 has it right so does #41 you just fail at life. YDI

GoMeat4103 0

13, you should know that everything expires eventually

LOL #7 = WINNER! But seriously dude, you're still young. You likely won't die a virgin, your day will come. Paaaaaatience.

emodude44 0

#41 YES I DO THINK THEY WILL MAGICALY FALL INTO MY BED this is honestly kind of a heartbreaker