By the customer is always a cunt - 20/12/2013 21:48 - United States - Sarasota

Today, a guy came into the small coffee shop I work at, and got angry because I wouldn't accept his Starbucks gift card as valid payment. When I told him we clearly aren't a Starbucks, he said "It's all the same shit" and ended up throwing a punch at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 218
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopefully you called the police and had him arrested.

Ladies and gentlemen, stupidity at its finest.


kellyem2 20

Ugh, I hope he missed at least.

I can safely say it's not all the same shit. Starbucks is overpriced and not even good. Anyway, I'm sorry you got assaulted by some tug-lump, OP. I hope he was arrested

Sorry that had to happen. I work at Starbucks, but I tend to really respect the smaller coffee shops-we're all generally baristas, and smaller shops sometimes do not have the same equipment sbux has, that can make the job all the more challenging. As for those who are angry about coffee being 5$ at Starbucks- a grande(medium) brewed coffee is $2.11. I agree though, I make my own at home lattes and coffee and it does taste better than what is made at my workplace

Sounds like this could be submitted to not always right. Com

I would have f'ed his ass up [on the basis] of self-defense then proceeded to call the cops on his ass. Hey that was 1 ignorant customer, you'll have better ones and better days.