By Anonymous - 24/10/2010 00:52 - United States

Today, a woman got out of a car to scream at me as I was walking with the kids I babysit, demanding to know where I was taking her children. Apparently the woman who pays me is also a babysitter, who I have been "covering" for on her party nights. The mother doesn't believe I didn't know this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 633
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. What a hosejob! Maybe you should be the replacement when the other girl gets fired.


use this as an opportunity for growth. tell the mom to can the 1st babysitter and offer you the gig full time.

Surely you'd of noticed from pictures around the house that they weren't hers.

bittersweets 2

or gotten suspicious when they call their "mother" by her first name...

Some people do call their mother by their first name.

Exactly. Even if OP didn't babysit at the kids' house, the fake mom must've been bribing them or something to keep quiet.

starberries 0

Why the hell would there be a paper trail? Babysitting jobs are usually paid in cash.

Agree with your conclusion, oc, but not with the reasons you submitted. I'm assuming OP is a teenage girl and they usually don't get paid enough for minding children that a bank withdrawal is warranted. If the woman that was hired got paid in cash and she gave a portion of that cash to OP, there would be no paper trail. OP acted in good faith so she has not committed any crime. It would be near impossible to prove she knew the other woman was not the legal guardian. If anyone is liable for anything, it is the first woman and it would be a civil suit or misdemeanor at best. It's not worth the cost of filing so long as the children were well cared for.

It says in the post that the mum didn't believe OP. She probably won't be hiring her any time soon.

wow... that's a first. I can't imagine that from the kids pov.

Makes you wonder what the original babysitter was getting paid, hopefully it wasnt enough to be making a profit from your hard work.