By Anonymous - 16/11/2009 21:54 - United States

Today, after being turned away by nearly all the restaurants in the area, I tried applying at Burger King. They too turned me away. I have a Culinary School Degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 562
You deserved it 3 115

Same thing different taste

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It has nothing to do with you or your degree, it's the economy. I've seen so many FML's that say "I have ___ degree and got turned down by ___ FML" It sucks, and FYL, but...we're all going through it.

It takes a lot to make an Angry Chicken. You have no idea, sir or madam.


It takes a lot to make an Angry Chicken. You have no idea, sir or madam.

Maybe you weren't salivating enough.. every burger needs a bit of "special sauce."

responses 0

A culinary degree won't get you shit in this econemy. Especially not at burger king or any other resteraunt that already has the chefs they need.

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wiserman 0

+ many. OP, you're an asshole. you squandered resources because you wanted to be a "chef". someone else could have used those resources to become a real, contributing professional. so YDI, but f the lives of your current or future dependents. their lives are ****** because of your selfishness and short-sightedness.

yea, not even a bachelor's degree... only a "degree", pathetic

I think being a chef is a real job. Certainly no four-year-old can make some things I've seen. However, I agree that it is a dumb thing to go for, unless you are really, really passionate and patient. Arts and Humanities and the like don't really get you anywhere very soon unless you're ******* amazing. Unless you apply to be a teacher, but you'd probably have to saddle on a few extra classes.

Getting a degree in something you're passionate about does not make someone an asshole. First of all, the OP never said how he paid for school -- if it was his own money and he wanted to pursue a culinary career, it's his right to "squander" it, although I don't agree with that term here. So you don't think his field is useful or valid. That's your opinion. Lots of people are having trouble finding jobs right now, even in "professional" fields--that doesn't mean his culinary degree is useless and will never lead to anything. Not to be rude, but last time I checked, people had the right to choose their own career fields without being attacked for "squandering resources" and "being selfish."

My 7 year old brother can make food for himself

eadgbe33 0

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I understand you must be jealous because OP is actually doing something with their life...

Burger King has extremely high standards. Clearly you just don't meet them.

Are you sure? The Burger King where I live is shit.

Actually I think its because he's Over Qualified for them. -_-

My best friends step dad was actually turned down for management at a Burger King for being overqualified.

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It has nothing to do with you or your degree, it's the economy. I've seen so many FML's that say "I have ___ degree and got turned down by ___ FML" It sucks, and FYL, but...we're all going through it.

freetalklive 0

Actually I disagree, its probably because youre doing it wrong too. Most restaurants dont give a crap about a culinary degree because experience > than the degree. I work as a cook, I havent got a degree. Myself and someone with a 2 year culinary degree have been hired for this same position, guess which one was fired do to incompetence and overconfidence? I worked as if I wanted to learn from the experience and he went off of his school knowledge. I'm still here, hes unemployed.

Today, I am unemployed or have a poorly paying job, despite my extensive education. This may or may not have something to do with the recession that is hurting everybody. FML There, now half the site is redundant.

Yaphukwit 0

thats what happens when everyone in your country is brainwashed into thinking that you need to spend 20 years of your life at school to be something, now everybody has a degree and they are worthless.

"unemployed or have a poorly paying job"? You're definitely good at multi tasking, cuz you have a job and don't at the very same time :P good for you! lol ;P

#13, degrees do not guarantee success, as we are learning here. Statistically speaking, though, there is a correlation between education and a high salary. Obviously, people fresh out of college shouldn't be too picky these days. Getting refused from Burger King is pretty bad, though. I'm guessing criminal record. #14, learn what conjunctions are.

lol my bad:P anyway it was funny the time I tough it the other way xD

sorry dude, leave that cs off your resume. this happens to people with crimnal records. also if you smoke right before an interview that will cause you to be tirned down.