By CantWin - 07/06/2016 22:38 - United States - Provo

Today, after finally applying myself and busting my butt all semester, I found out the school is accusing me of cheating because they couldn't believe I could have gotten near-perfect grades considering my grade history. If this is how society rewards academic turnarounds, why do I even bother? FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 996
You deserved it 1 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MetalxSoldier 26

Just let them know that you are just trying harder and that you worked your ass off to EARN those grades. If they don't believe you, ask them to try to prove you wrong. I'm sure that won't be a problem with your near perfect grades. Good luck op.

Sorry to hear that, but well done on pulling things back. Hopefully they'll recognise the achievement; surely your class work must have improved as well? That would be a bit of a giveaway that you didn't cheat.


Sorry to hear that, but well done on pulling things back. Hopefully they'll recognise the achievement; surely your class work must have improved as well? That would be a bit of a giveaway that you didn't cheat.

I've been in the same boat-it sucks I know but nobody can convict you with no evidence don't sweat it bro

If it's a university, some classes don't have any coursework. Your grade is based solely on exam performance.

MetalxSoldier 26

Just let them know that you are just trying harder and that you worked your ass off to EARN those grades. If they don't believe you, ask them to try to prove you wrong. I'm sure that won't be a problem with your near perfect grades. Good luck op.

SteveDudleyUK 10

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This was the most idiotic thing I've ever read

Jacob031300 12

Keep your fortune cookie self out of this please.

I hate it when people act like it is imposible for others to better themseves. people act like how you are from day one is how you will be forever. sorry OP, hope you can figure this one out, best of luck.

Mathalamus 24

society makes you question everything. society will push you down and keep you down. society will make you feel like shit for doing anything remotely productive. or being remotely different. in short, society wants you to suffer as much as possible. its how i always thought. all you can do is be the best you can be, and ignore all the haters. besides, you clearly did not cheat, and they cant get any proof that way. and they cant just "manufacture" proof either, that will just make them look worse. you are in the clear. be proud of what you have done. :)

Ah, "society". That nebulous, faceless entity we all can use as a scapegoat cure-all for all our social, economic, sexual, political, physical, emotional, and mental ailments. And **** the haters, amirite? Having your "haters" doesn't mean you're doing something wrong, but it doesn't mean you're necessarily doing something right, either. It's just another weak excuse for acting like a pissy little child. After all, I as far as I'm concerned, you're just going to be another hater in the crowd because I'm calling you out on the Internet. See how that works? Hater!

Mathalamus 24

to me, haters mean that i am doing something wrong, that they don't tell me about, and expect me to deal with it anyway. sometimes they hate for the past which they wont let go, and sometimes they hate me because i am different. to all of them, it means they hate me for something i did wrong in *their* opinion. key word: *their* opinion. i often meet people who don't care about it, or even support my policies, because its the right thing for me. that gives me the right to dismiss them as inconsequential. and, in my defense, the OP using society, so i used society as an example. I'm not wrong. society can be pretty damn bad, depending what you define society as. i just define it as the local area relevant to the situation. in this case, school teachers in that school.

Society wants to see you fail but don't let it OP! Just keep grinding out there and prove to them that you're just capable of being that intelligent.

Do it for yourself and be proud of what you've accomplished

Surely you can prove you're not cheating by doing a test or something? But in all fairness, whilst I think it's great that you decided to start making an effort with your education, it is your own fault that they reacted like that. It's your past behaviour that has made them suspicious. That is the consequence of you not bothering before. Do what you can to prove them wrong but also accept that your own actions caused it.

WTF? So if you start out being bad at something, it's your fault if nobody believes that you've worked hard to improve? Dang, so if you fail an exam just drop out of school then, your life is over and never try to do better. OP didn't murder someone. They got bad grades. Then they got better grades. Any school worth their salt would have teachers who can tell that a student is working harder than they used to.

From the post it seems like OP is a more mature student, someone who's been at this particular school for at least a couple of years. So if this is the first time they've made an effort and actually worked hard, why wouldn't the teachers be surprised? One semester of hard work doesn't make up for a few years of slacking. It will take a little while for people to realise that OP is serious about doing well. You can't expect to do a behavioural 180 and expect people to just go with it. That's not how life works.

You stepped up to the plate and swung for the bleachers. You connected and won the game. If they doubt your MVP status ask them to review the tapes Congrats!

If they don't have evidence then they can be at risk of being sued.