By Anonymous - 19/07/2009 13:49 - United States

Today, after not seeing my boyfriend for 9 months, he came to meet me at the airport. I was so excited when I first saw him that I broke into a sprint to greet him. Apparently, running through the airport looks suspicious, because a security guard tackled me. Now I have a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 355
You deserved it 7 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mj2123 0

Running through the airport looks romantic on movies - in real life? Not such a great idea. The security guard probably should have tried to do something nonphysical to stop you first, before tackling, though...


It is never a great idea to run in public places other than parks or fields or stadiums... you just look super suspicious..

dyingstart 0

Well, kudos for trying to look romantic.

that's what ya get for doing some stupid movie cliche. YDI

lol she wasn't trying to do "some stupid movie cliche", she was just excited to see her boyfriend. I mean, come on, they haven't seen each other in 9 months! FYL, OP!

fxdxhk90 0

Have you been living under a rock for the last decade? Security at American airports is extremely high, and they pounce on anything that can be construed as malicious behavior.

Paranoia is high. Actual security is low. Example: liquid explosives are not easier to hide, to make or to transport than solid explosives - yet water is confiscated.

sakurachan04 0

Agreed. Still. FYL. The asshole guard could've at least paid for your medical expenses for breaking your nose.

And people run through airports all the time, especially with tight schedules where delays often happen. Maybe she was running away from security or something, though?

grimmelok 0

Fake. People run through airports all of the time to catch flights that are about to leave.

CountDuk 5

When skmeines running it's hard to stop them sometimes.

I was thinking the same thing. I practically sprinted all the way across the Cincinnati airport without even so much as a glance from security.