By Hallllo - 11/05/2009 05:12 - United States

Today, after spending the night hanging out with a beautiful girl we start to walk back to my place. Halfway there she turns and says, "I wish you were a vampire" and goes back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100 290
You deserved it 9 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like another retarded Twilight fan. Find someone who doesn't dwell on the fantasy world.

Millybug 0

And Twilight screws over another poor guy. Ok-- I am a Twilight fan, they are wretchedly cheesy teen romance novels, but still I am a fan. On that note; Twilighters, those stupid, obsessive, moronic little fangirls who want every guy to be like Edward should be shot in the face. Sorry dude, that really blows.


i woulda sucked the shit outta that bitch

I am going to say this one time... and one time only. That bitch was crazy, and you are better off. She isn't even going to find a vampire man, because they don't exist. "I wish you were a vampire." you're response should have been something like "I wish you were able to separate reality from fantasy... damned wing nut."

AJComix 0

What the hell is up with all these Twilight FMLs? I know people are noting everything from Bram Stroker's Dracula, to Castlevania as being a probable cause, but I strongly disagree. How often are there primarily "romantic" (stalking) centered vampire fictions? Not too often. And for good reason. Also... this... is... not... good... writing...

Wow, that girl needs to learn the difference between reality and fiction. That's all I have to say.

Twilight has truly destroyed society

Motorbreath 0

OMFG it's ******' Twilight! **** yes for vampires and dumb and horny 14 year old girls. FOL for **** Our Lives 'cause Twilight got published.

twilight is alrite but yea, some ppl are just too obessed with twilight. Its just a fukin book jeeez and twilight isnt gonna go away for a while becuz theres still the movies lol so gud luck to all of u and hope tht none of us meet some insanely hot BUT obessed twilight freak haha

sublime93 0

This is hilarious But she's a waste of time sos that book

I've read all of the Twilight books and they were the most poorly written books I've ever read. The only reason I kept reading was because they have something addictive about them. But that didn't make up for the poor writing style, the insipid plot lines and the fact that the whole time you were reading them you were thinking 'so this is what it's like being inside a repressed and obsessive Mormon woman's head'. Today, I read all of the Stephanie Meyer Twilight books. I wasted fourteen hours of my life. I can't get them back. FML