By unemployed - 10/03/2009 02:00 - United States

Today, as I was bagging groceries, I looked down to see a 6-year-old urinating on my shoes and the floor next to me. I told his mother that he should take her kid to the restroom, only to be told to "mind my own goddamn business." I was later fired for arguing with the customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 155 845
You deserved it 7 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take them to court. I'm sure a jury can see the logic and misjustice in firing someone for not wanting piss on their shoes.

I am from Europe and I keep reading about crazy FML stories of people getting fired because of stupid customers. Is this quite common in America? Is the customer really always right regardless of what happens??? I am quite shocked. Many time have I told customers to f-off, with the support of my managers, simply because we get paid doesn't mean we're prostitutes who can get peed on - with a smile -


kagome_eb 0

thats horrible! but believe me they probably fired you because they needed a excuse to do so, with the economy the way it is around the world, anything is good enough to fire someone. Don't mind the mother, probably trying to not make her kid's embarrassment worst then it already is by having a stranger tell her off because of her son.

hey, i dont know why no one has noticed.... this is a copy of an old FML..... exactly the same one! fail....

Nikki_Wonder 0

i woulda done more than just talked to the mother... and when she told me to mind my own business i woulda gave them a reason to fire me. And your right... this is a copy

#1, intentionally peeing on someone's shoe is not an accident, and telling her that she needs to take him to the bathroom is in no way telling her off! Not sure what you were reading, because this is clearly about a bratty kid with no manners and a bitchy mom who can't be bothered to watch her kid!

Any parent who takes their embarrassment out on others is only making themselves look worse. I can't help but think you weren't exactly pleasant with her though which may have what caused you to be fired. I wouldn't have done anything different though. And forget about the economy, people use the dumbest reasons to fire people all the time.

Take them to court. I'm sure a jury can see the logic and misjustice in firing someone for not wanting piss on their shoes.

Pyromie 2

I agree with #3, they can't fire you for Mini-R. Kelly taking a piss on your shoes.

#3, i agree! and actually they can! she can definately sue!

I am from Europe and I keep reading about crazy FML stories of people getting fired because of stupid customers. Is this quite common in America? Is the customer really always right regardless of what happens??? I am quite shocked. Many time have I told customers to f-off, with the support of my managers, simply because we get paid doesn't mean we're prostitutes who can get peed on - with a smile -

OMG now I wanna live in Europe, if you can tell people off like that ALL the time and not only not get fired but have the support of your co-workers, I now worship Europeans. Lol jk, I wouldnt go THAT far. XD

blargerpanda 13

#6 That really is how it is most of the time. Ignorant and rude customers get their way all the time.

I would bring the hammer down on the company. Sue for wrongful termination.

Most grocery stores have strong unions. Call your representative.