By bonedregardless - 15/09/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, at my cashier job, I got written up for accepting obviously photocopied coupons. Last week, I got written up for "inadequate customer service" because I refused to accept the same bogus coupons from the same customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 647
You deserved it 2 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. I hate when bosses are hypocritical like that.

kezzstar 0

Owch. I'd quietly start looking for a new job..........


Lee002 8

sportsnut, maybe the OP is in college and got a temporary crap job to help pay for tuition

cbz0727 0

i'm guessing you work for Bed Bath & Beyond .. get a new job if you do

If they are the store's own coupons there should be no problem copying them. If they are manufactures coupons, they need to be the real thing. Stores only get paid back for the real ones, not copied or counterfeits.

As DrunkenValor already stated, I'd definitely go with the "Office Space" approach.

Let me guess, ur customer was an Indian and you work at a shoprite

Your supervisor hates you. Because you are smarter than him. He is the supervisor only because he still works at your crappy place of employ. Everyone else was smarter than him... and left. He is angry and resentful. But you will leave soon also, for a better job. Unless you want to become the new supervisor.

u must work at a chain, they write u up for the weirdest stuff.. and they don't care if u have every reason to do what u do.. it lose /lose every time

Yes, they are trying to get rid of you. You should have copies of both write ups. Legally, you are entitled to see your file. Get the write ups, talk to HR. If they balk, calmly, innocently let them know that you were instucted to go to the labor board, but since you weren't sure, you're talking to them about this. And for the record, clarification of the policy is requried. This way, if you are fired, you can file for unemployment. Don't quit until you have another job.

girlie123 0

wh didnt u just show ur boss then ask them what to do? :/ seriously.