By person - 20/09/2015 23:57 - United States - League City

Today, I accidentally fell asleep at work after working a 12-hour shift. Instead of waking me up, my coworkers spiked my coffee mug with whiskey and told my boss I was drunk. My boss wouldn't even listen to my side of the story and fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 676
You deserved it 2 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow! Does your workplace have security cameras that could have caught the people involved with this?? And why did *they* have whiskey at work!?

fumanshu 9

Falling asleep is innocent! Especially after 12 hours! But spiking isn't! Pull out those security tapes!


don't fall asleep at work next time

CaptainCore993 19

Try doing a 12 hour work shift then come back.

hey 38.. I have done an 8, 12 and 16 hour shift before and was awake the whole time.... so what's your point?

everyone is different. also if op has a job where he or she doesn't have much to do at a lot of points (sitting at a desk, cashier, etc) it could be easy to doze off

mads_nicole 19

I have. 12 hours standing outside in the summer talking to customers. In about 90-100 degree weather. Never fell asleep.

64 you were doing something outside with people in the heat. obviously you'll be awake for that. like what 49 said, if op was working a boring 12-hour shift, it'd be easy to doze off and fall asleep.

Your coworkers suck, but still you kinda deserve it for falling asleep. I hope you find another job.

I think it's bad enough that OP has to work even after a 12 hour shift, let alone their coworkers being such dickheads

So OP deserved to have their coffee spiked and then fired for it because their coworkers are a bunch of dicks, all because they fell asleep? I hope I never have you as a coworker.

leogachi 15

@59 He deserved to be fired for sleeping on the job.

seems pretty likely OP is the dick of the group if his coworkers hated him enough to plan a way to get him fired and carry it out. no one would do something that mean to someone they even kind of liked. but if I'm wrong, I'm sorry OP.

Sorry OP. Hopefully you figure the situation out!

I would have begged for a blood alcohol level test and security tapes. Honestly though it seems like you did a lot of work and this was planned. Does your boss and coworkers hate you? Maybe it was for the better. This could go a lot of ways but basically fyl and I'm sorry

That sucks OP. Good luck in your search for a new job!

Wow! Does your workplace have security cameras that could have caught the people involved with this?? And why did *they* have whiskey at work!?

Your job must've been boring. You didn't want to work there anyway

Or they were exhausted after a 12 hour shift!

I'm not saying what happened was right but If you're exhausted after 12 hrs you have a problem. I'd fire you for sleeping on the job.

I used to do 12-16 hour shifts over Christmas, working in a hotel. During my break I'd sit down and just fall asleep - at the end of my break one of the girls would just wake me up. My job wasn't boring and I wasn't lazy, I just hadn't sat down for hours. Even if OP accidentally fell asleep not on a break, after that amount of time your body can just switch off to recharge. We're all human and bosses should really understand that, especially if it was the first time.

fumanshu 9

Falling asleep is innocent! Especially after 12 hours! But spiking isn't! Pull out those security tapes!

12 hour shift is pretty common for the working environment, OP must not have had enough sleep in the prior night(s) for reasons unknown.

How do we know OP didn't work multiple 12 hour shifts in a row though? They could've been completely exhausted.

A 12 hour shift is not that common for most fields (medical staff and a few other fields being an exception). Typically hours are capped at 8 a day for 5 working days, or 10 hours a day for 4 day weeks. 40 hours a week, max, before overtime is required. Again, there are some loopholes. But those are atypical.

You should be happy you're not working there anymore with those dickheads

kudwafuuu 15

why didn't your coworkers explain it after that they were playing a, albeit shitty, prank on you? it seems like neither your coworkers or boss seem to like you that much :-/ hope you find better employment soon OP if that doesn't get resolved / you don't get your job back

They didn't say anything because its probably a made up story... Think about it... if you were a manager/boss, and some of your workers claimed that with another, would you listen to what that person had to say? Or would you fire them straight up without question?

I know it's reaching beyond the scope of the FML, but you do kinda have to wonder why OP's coworkers hate them so much they'd resort to deliberate sabotage, and why OP's boss wouldn't even listen to them based on respect for a good record. That being said, god knows nightmare bosses and nightmare coworkers happen to good people way too often.