By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 11:57 - United States - Howell

Today, I babysat an 11 year old kid while his parents ate out. As soon as they left, the kid asked me if I wanted to be on the sex offender's list. Before I could even process that, he told me to stay out of his way and he wouldn't accuse me of anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 815
You deserved it 2 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Record him saying all of that, make 100% sure that it saved, and then call his parents and tell them to come home immediately to show them the video. That shit's not cool and he needs some serious discipline. (Make sure he doesn't know you recorded him and doesn't have access to your phone so he can't delete it).

MrZsDad 19

Should have told him to sit down and shut up before he ends up on a milk carton


Im going to down voted for this. I'm okay with it. This is absolutely sick humor. Record the turd threatening you. Then molest him all you want. They'll think he's lying. Haha. KIDDING. Do not molest children ever.

FML should change the kids category to “Mostly Little Demons"

puzzy 13

yeah like someone else said, i would just have my phone on record the whole time im there in case he says something else.

What all these babysitting FMLs taught me was to record the lil psychos, if i ever babysit one.

You should have molested him to teach him a lesson

kotake 7

Honestly I would call them right up, you probably have a cell number, tell them exactly what he said, and say you don't feel comfortable in their house anymore. And if they protest just say you take threats seriously and if he's willing to say that right off the bat, what else would he lie about? Forget the cash, just get the parents home, get your ass out, and have them deal with the little monster.

Charles900 16

I hate these kinds of people. Not only can the kid ruin an innocent person's life, but it also makes it much more difficult to catch genuine child molesters. So, yes, FYL

It could also become a problem for the kid. What if he actually is molested by a sexual offender? He might not be believed because he lied about it before.

As a professional child molester, I find this offending!