By KAAALIS - 16/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, I bit my boyfriend's neck. I felt something squirt into my mouth. Turns out I had just popped a pimple on his neck. Into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 738 249
You deserved it 495 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#5: many guys (myself included) dig neck-biting without being vampires. #9: it doesn't take much to pop a pimple if it's already near bursting. Everyone else: you're absolutely right, this is beyond disgusting.


OH MY GOD. that's horrible. i honestly don't think i could ever look at my boyfriend again if that happened to me.

Cause you're embarrassed or because u are disgusted by him?

I wanted to throw up when I read that. That seriously sucks.

LifeSux19 0


I'm pretty sure I gagged when I read that

While disgusting, it could be worse. You could have gotten a mouth and tongue's worth of makeup. Oh wait, that'd make your boyfriend emo, or a girlfriend :D

musicphreakk 0

Your So Funny . -.- No , Just , No .

I'd rather get makeup in my mouth then puss

Sweet, you have something white in your mouth... haha!

KRS_13 0

It's the better version of the white stuff! Yum yum!

Mistress_Puppy 0

Omg I'm so sorry. That's just....ewwww

oh my gosh that is horrible. i can't even imagine.

It's doubly gross that is was a big enough zit that she could feel it.