By Austyn - 18/02/2011 07:55

Today, I brought home a ukulele I had just bought. Excited, I showed my dad. He then looked at me, smirked, and said "Just like everything else you have, it's a bit smaller than normal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 553
You deserved it 5 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Prove him wrong by showing him that its bigger than his :L

MyChemical_fml 0

Or he could've just said "that's not what your mom said!". Wincest......


FatMan23 10

THANK YOU THANK YOU, OH GOD THANK YOU fyi that's not what she said

you should hit his nuts with it and say "it might be little but it's got power"

In the immortal words of Michael Kelso BURN hahaha

SweetShuga83 0

Your DAD IS HILARIOUS! I'D whip it out on his forehead and knock him out.....but that's just me, apparently you can't reach his forehead, well maybe if your tall and he was sitting down...HA!