By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 16:12 - United States

Today, I called a suicide prevention hotline. No one picked up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 479
You deserved it 6 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redblueviolet 0

Owch, that's a kick to the balls. But don't let a phone line discourage you. Just keep swimming...

Do what Barney does, when he is sad. He stops being sad, and instead, becomes awesome. You should do this too


heyitsbrii 0

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Show it anyway They have a chatroom, a Live operating system, and forums. I only put this at the top because I thought it may be a good option. Although, obviously you were just having a bad moment, since you're still around to write this FML.

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When I'm depressed, I go talk to my friends.. Their problems are liked 100 times worse.. And it makes me feel a little bit grateful.. ----- I got this one friend who watched 4 of his friends get killed and had a gun held to his head.. Another, has seen 7 random dead people, he watched 3 of them die, including a drunk lady fall from a bridge.. ----- Don't you feel better about your problems now? If not: FYL.. I'm sorry for you.. Go watch some Will Farell or Mike Myers.. And get better soon..

maybe he was calling it for his suicidal feiwnd? it would make mre sense.

oops. sry. bad itouch spelling. his suicidal friend - and it would make more sense.

Actually, I called this one time only to be put on hold...

I think it's funny how people will tell a sad story to someone who is upset or even depressed, and expect him or her to magically feel better. oh ignorance. gotta love it.

Tkdxxxse 0

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dude you are such an idiot...ever since you started watching "monk", you think you ARE monk. YOU'RE NOT MONK!!

erikalynnex 0

haha that's the point. u won't kill yourself if you're on the line waiting forever.

don't do it, I mean it. think of the good thing u hav not the bad. There's people in third world that would giv up alot for ur position in lif I'm sure. please think of the peopleur leavin b hind don't think they won't miss u they will.

omg 209 I was thinking the same thing!!!1

well sometimes its like u want everything to stop, not exactly kill urself. and its scary knwoing what ur capable of, sometimes u dont rly want to follow thru with it. wen u r able to think this and find a way to stop it or get help, i think ur doing good. and i do know there r a lot of people who dont mean it, but in some cases its real, ive been there

right. because it's extremely simple to just "be happy."

redblueviolet 0

Owch, that's a kick to the balls. But don't let a phone line discourage you. Just keep swimming...

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Beli_fml 0

shut up you'll never know what it's like to be suicidal ok...?

effyoubitch 5

Suicide is not a ******* joke. So **** off you douche.

"Hello, I'd just like to say my friend just ate about seventeen sleeping pills after commenting that the world was out to get her, and since the day she was born she wished she was dead. Please call back at your earliest convenience."

Do what Barney does, when he is sad. He stops being sad, and instead, becomes awesome. You should do this too

Notice when he is sad all it takes is "hey kids" let's all dance together and he's happy again? Kinda creepy.

Barney Stinson is bad ass. mustard: Not Barney the dinosaur, you twat.

awww, dont kill ur self!!! watever ur going through must suck. but it cant last forever

GeorgeBoosh 0

It does last forever. Oh yeah, that feeling just doesn't go away. Unless I think about taking others with me...

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actually, think steak knife #7. but yeah same point. anyway, if ur telling everyone how depressed u r, im sure u'll b fine

Never take advice from people who don't spell out words.

Don't even joke about that my crew died a few years ago in a tragic butter testing accident.

no, they meant butter knife, bc they know this kid only wants attention, not death...a butter knife will cause just enough concern for this young attention ***** to feel useful for a bit...people who want to die go off somewhere and die - they don't post on websites and then return to read the responses...

minja11 0

dude. shut up. suicide isn't the answer to depression. everyone should have someone who could help them through stuff

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If you're suicidal, go talk to someone in person, and you probably need a shrink too. Not the suicide prevention hotline, which doesn't even pick up the freaking phone.

thelifeline 0

When i was depressed, i listened to nevershoutnever!, and it cheered me up all the time. On the brightside was the best, and like trouble and stuff. Whatever you do, don't kill yourself!

JHandAC 4

NeverShoutNever is the shit. If this person really is depressed and suicidal I definitely recommend Mr. Christofer Drew Ingle :) And OP, I really hope you change your mind. There's always a brightside, sometimes you just need to turn around to see it :)